Atlanta Milling Company, we not only promise to deliver exceptional service; we promise a pleasurable experience. We offer multiple milling services but focus on stabilization solutions for asphalt that is in a poor state, rehabilitating your parking lot or road way with a solid platform and ensuring stabilization. We also recycle and rehabilitate asphalt, making us an environmentally compliant company.
Our team of Asphalt professionals will plan the best routes to get to your desired project end-result, quickly and safely. Our machines are designed to tackle any mix design they chew in to and our staff has a combined knowledge and experience in the asphalt milling industry of over 30 years. We strive to keep your costs as low as possible. We manage the entire process with precision.
Best Asphalt Milling Company in the Southeastern United States.
When ATLANTA MILLING COMPANY gets involved with your asphalt service need, there is accuracy involved. Before any work is completed information is gathered from your existing surface and then Atlanta Milling Company determines what other materials, if any (such as dry cement, lime, fly ash, or asphalt emulsion), should be added and then ensures stabilization. By using this type of asphalt milling procedure we create better stabilization that improves roads. Our aim is “longevity” of your finished product! When completed correctly, the road’s life cycle can be improved by up to 30 years.
Correct preparation of roadway or parking lot is instrumental in maintaining your asphalt lifecycle!
Milling the appropriate depth on the entire asphalt street or parking lot is an important step in the asphalt milling process and is refered to as Full Width Milling The Edge Milling process is ensuring the areas next to your concrete curbs, gutter pans & metal structures (i.e., manhole covers) tie into the existing elevations of the concrete and metal structures, ensuring the drainage patterns on the asphalt surface are correct. This increases the road’s life cycle and reduces maintenance costs. We have completed over 275 cities of asphalt milling on roadways across the Southeastern U.S.
Asphalt Milling to Airport Terminals, DOT Highways, Residential Driveways, Industrial Terminals, Municipal Terminals, Parking Lots & Roadways.
Atlanta Milling Company is highly efficient and uses highly capable operational equipment to mill asphalt on airport runways, highways, interstates, residential driveways, municipal terminals, truck yards and DOT Roadways. Services have include leveling asphalt with full width milling or edge milling where appropriate (i.e., near concrete slabs in parking lots or on residential roads) and even provide land clearing when needed.
Asphalt Milling Repairs of upheaval, cracking, raveling, rotting and shoving caused by environmental or traffic reasons. We leave a clean construction site and provided services in a safe manner by removing all debris from the process. This enables us to ensure proper design and tolerance of milling that meet D.O.T. standards. We specialize in all aspects of asphalt milling, residential & commercial.
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